Tuesday, May 19, 2020
Action Plan and Annotated Bibliography on Maintaining...
Action plan: maintaining academic honesty Academic dishonesty is a serious issue for anyone regardless of the discipline they are pursuing or the contextual factors. It undermines the quality of the end product such as the services that the person engaging in academic dishonesty will provide in the future. It also beats the purpose of going through academic institutions that provide facilities and facilitators in the education process. Academic dishonesty is, therefore, wrong in all forms and is not justifiable. There are several things that constitute academic dishonesty. These include cheating in exams by using illegal materials, accessing undue assistance, and impersonation. Another form of academic dishonesty is plagiarism and presentation of falsified information. These examples are not exhaustive but present main issues that I need to tackle (C; Triggle D; Triggle, 2007). However, the academic institutions have systems and programs in place to deal with academic dishonesty and any individual effort will only fit within this wider context. The first step is to familiarize myself with the topic of academic dishonesty and plagiarism, of which writing this essay is an essential step. The definition and forms of plagiarism are necessary to identify and prevent plagiarism since unintentional perpetuation of the vice is inexcusable (Rennie, 2010). The whole issue is ethical in nature and is heavily dependent on individual philosophy and morals. Aspiring to higher valuesShow MoreRelatedFotopoulos BA200 F14 Syllabus 22897 Words  | 12 Pagesrequires your submitting papers you have written (hard-copies of assignments, reports, PowerPoint slides) and copies of research you have done for each presentation (e.g., copies of pages from reference materials such as journals, books or magazines). Plan appropriately for this: not having sufficient funding in your student account for copying purposes is not an acceptable excuse for not submitting required assignments. III. Grading Remember, your instructor does not give you a grade – you earnRead MoreMastering Graduate Studies 1e32499 Words  | 130 PagesACADEMIC INTEGRITY RESEARCH LIBRARY KNOWLEDGE SKILLS COMMUNICATION EXPECTATIONS CAREER PATH IMPRINT Title Mastering Graduate Studies EDITION 1 CONTRIBUTORS Editor: Alexis DiVincenzo Consulting Editors: Mark Alexander, Nicole Quow-Thomason Art Direction Senior Art Director: Miranda Hildebrand Art Development and Design: Jo DeSnyder-Rolfe Permissions contact Grand Canyon University 3300 W Camelback Rd Phoenix, AZ 85017 602.639.7500 Copyright Information Grand Canyon University. AllRead MoreLibrary Management204752 Words  | 820 Pages . . . . 109 Goals, Themes, and Directions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110 Objectives, Initiatives, Pathways, and Strategies . . . . 111 Activities, Tasks, and Initiatives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113 Evaluationâ€â€Accountability in Action . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113 Planning Hierarchyâ€â€An Example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115 Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117 6â€â€Marketing Information Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118Read MoreHbr When Your Core Business Is Dying74686 Words  | 299 Pages but the effort is notoriously difï ¬ cult. Many executives have ï ¬â€šoundered, uncertain about what exactly needs to be changed, by how much, and when. A new framework can take the mystery out of reengineering business processes and help you comprehend, plan, and assess your company’s process-based t ransformations. 20 FORETHOUGHT Firms from developing countries are making a global mark†¦McDonald’s isn’t afraid to bite off more than it can chew†¦Women at Fortune 1,000 companies are securing top jobs faster
Monday, May 18, 2020
Formula Mass (Weight) Versus Molecular Mass
Fomula mass and molecular mass are two values that express the size of a molecule. Do you know the difference between formula mass and molecular mass?The formula mass (formula weight) of a molecule is the sum of the atomic weights of the atoms in its empirical formula. The molecular mass (molecular weight) of a molecule is its average mass as calculated by adding together the atomic weights of the atoms in the molecular formula. So, since the definitions differ according to whether you are using the empirical formula or molecular formula for a molecule, its a good idea to understand the distinction between them. The molecular formula indicates the type and number of atoms in a molecule. The molecular formula of glucose is C6H12O6, which indicates that one molecule of glucose contains 6 atoms of carbon, 12 atoms of hydrogen, and 6 atoms of oxygen. The empirical formula is also known as the simplest formula. It is used to indicate the mole ratio of elements present in a compound. The empirical formula of glucose would be CH2O. The formula mass and molecular mass of water (H2O) are one and the same, while the formula and molecular mass of glucose are different from each other. The formula mass (formula weight) of glucose is 30 (either no units or else grams per mole), while the molecular mass (molecular weight) is 180.156 g/mol. Whenever you see a molecular formula where you can divide the subscripts by a whole number (usually 2 or 3), you know to expect the formula mass will be different.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The War Of The American Civil War - 856 Words
Slavery may have been established as the catalyst of the American Civil War, but the beginning of the dispute began in the time of the Revolution with a weak decentralized government under the Articles of Confederation. Later gained momentum as territorial expansion set Americans against each other on debating whether the new states should be slave states or free states, it questioned the power of the Federal government regarding state rights, and brought about instability in the unity of the United States as a nation. The conflict of the American Civil War began with states’ rights being taken away and flourished with the decision on whether slavery should spread westward, or be equally distributed not only in the Louisiana Purchase territory, but in the rest of the westward territory. The American Revolution gave birth to two groups, those who argued for greater state rights and those who thought the government was too weak and decentralized. The thirteen states created a loose confederation with a weak feral government under the Articles of Confederation. This weakness that was expressed in the Articles caused the leaders of the time to come together and create the United States Constitution. Strong supporters of state rights like Thomas Jefferson, felt that the proposed constitution ignored state rights. This brought about the idea of nullification, but the federal government denied it. When nullification failed and the states felts like they were not being respected,Show MoreRelatedAmerican War And The American Civil War1551 Words  | 7 Pageswhich then caused the Southern states of America to decide to leave the American Union and create their own Southern Confederacy. This tore our nation apart. The American Civil War had begun and the very people that we re once neighbors had each other’s blood on their hands. Many American lives had been lost. The American lives lost in the Civil War even exceeded the number of American lives lost during World War I and World War II. We were divided. The North wanted to reunite with the southern statesRead MoreThe War Of The American Civil War1376 Words  | 6 PagesThe American Civil War was arguably the most important war in the history of the country. The War of Independence may have allowed American to become its’ own country, but the Civil War resulted in something even more important than that, the end of slavery in the southern states. All of the issues that caused the Civil war were based around slavery, such as states’ rights that involved how slavery would be handled in each state, and trying to preserve the Union since the south seceded from the northRead MoreThe War Of The American Civil War1618 Words  | 7 Pages A Civil War is a battle between the same cit izens in a country. The American Civil War was fought from 1861 to 1865 to determine the independence for the Confederacy or the survival of the Union. By the time Abraham Lincoln was elected president in 1861, in the mist of 34 states, the constant disagreement caused seven Southern slave states to their independence from the United States and formed the Confederate States of America. The Confederacy, generally known as the South, grew to include elevenRead MoreThe War Of The American Civil War991 Words  | 4 PagesThe American Civil War is known to most as the bloodiest war anyone has ever witnessed. It claimed the life of thousands of Americans and animosity that was built up over several years prior to it can be to blame. Most people think that slavery was the cause of this battle, and although slavery did play a part, it was not the main cause. The biggest roles played in the American Civil War were states’ rights, unfair bills, feelings of inferiority and threats to economy. The tension started duringRead MoreThe War Of The American Civil War1324 Words  | 6 PagesThere were many events that led to the cause of one of America’s most devastating war, the American Civil War. The American Civil War was an unfortunate war that cost more than the lives of six hundred thousand people. Events such as the Missouri Compromise, Kansas Nebraska Act, Dred Scott Decision, and the Election of Abraham Lincoln resulted in the four yearlong battles between the Northern and Southern states due to social and economic differences on the idea of slavery. In the 19th century,Read MoreThe War Of The American Civil War Essay1472 Words  | 6 PagesThe American Civil War lasted from April 12, 1861 to May 9, 1865. It was the bloodiest war in American history, killing approximately 620,000 soldiers in total. The War was fought and won by the North, ensuring that all the United States would stay united and slavery would be illegal in The United States. However, history is one of the most complicated things in the world. It’s also one of the most important things in the world because history is what made the present possible. Historians have debatedRead MoreThe War Of The American Civil War960 Words  | 4 Pagesslavery even if it meant war caused peace in this nation. Slavery was the vital cause of the American Civil War. The north and the south both had their differences on how to run the country. People in the North believed in unity and that slavery should not exist because â€Å"all men are created equally.†On the o ther hand, the South believed in continuing slavery. People tried to talk it out and come to a middle ground after both sides compromising, however that didn’t work and caused war. Ideological differencesRead MoreThe War Of The American Civil War1439 Words  | 6 PagesWhen the American Civil War began in the spring of 1861, those flocking to enlistment stations in states both north and south chiefly defined their cause as one of preservation. From Maine to Minnesota, young men joined up to preserve the Union. From Virginia to Texas, their future foes on the battlefield enlisted to preserve a social order, a social order at its core built on the institution of slavery and racial superiority . Secession had not been framed by prominent Southerners like Robert ToombsRead MoreThe Civil War And The American War1318 Words  | 6 PagesThe question of what caused the Civil War is debatable because there are several events that may have influenced the war such as the Western E xpansion, Manifest Destiny and the Mexican-American War. The war also stems from slavery, the North and South basically fought over whether or not slavery should be permitted. Another point that may have influenced the Civil War is the economic and social structure of the country, which also falls under slavery because the South main source of income was slaveryRead MoreThe War Of The American Civil War913 Words  | 4 Pagesdisputed over the vast majority of causes of the American Civil War for ages. While some explanations may appear easier to pinpoint, the primary underlying catalyst to the start of the war was the controversy over slavery. Though the northern and southern regions of the United States fostered contrasting views on a range of issues, they shared the common perspective of promoting Manifest Destiny. Manifest Destiny was the prevalent attitude that induced Americans to expand from coast to coast. This inclination
The Pros And Cons Of Harry Potter - 1487 Words
Since Harry Potter’s release there has been much conversation surrounding the controversies around it. From being considered occultic and anti-Christian to being thought of as poison to children’s minds, Harry Potter earned a spot on the list of books banned from being taught in public schools. There were many arguments concerning Harry Potter. While being written and published as a young adult book meant for ages 10 and up, many adults did not find it suitable for this age group. Jacqui Komschlies, being one who is against the teaching of Harry Potter as a piece of literature in schools, stated that the books were similar to â€Å"orange soda†mixed with â€Å"rat poison†. He, along with many others, argues that Harry Potter and all of its†¦show more content†¦For this reason, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone made its way onto the list of banned books. Christian parents fear that the book paints magic in a manner that is good, while their religion enforces the idea that magic is the fruit of dark labor. Seemingly, there are several ways that the story of Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone can be said to be rat poison disguised as orange soda. It stands to reason that the story is a brilliantly written piece of fiction, that draws readers in with meticulous and vivid descriptions, leaving no stone unturned in the mind. The way this book is written allows for readers to delve into the world of Harry Potter while understanding that it is a figment of Rowling’s imagination. Although readers may be aware that this is fictional, they voluntarily ignore this fact, put their disbeliefs to the side and when reading become completely encompassed in the story. Fantasizing about receiving an owl for Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry is not how parents intend their children to spend their eleventh birthday. The thought of their home being filled with letters inviting their children to study magic as seen in chapter three is terrifying to people who classify magic as a part of the dark world. On page 41 Rowling writes: â€Å"No post on Sundays,†he reminded the cheerfully as he spread marmalade on his newspapers, â€Å"no damn letters today-†. Something came whizzing down theShow MoreRelatedThe Importance Of Whats Going On In The World1048 Words  | 5 Pageskids reading about inappropriate topics. â€Å"According to certain adults, these stories teach witchcraft, sorcery, and Satanism†(Judy Blume, The New York Times). Blume states in her article a reason for why parents don’t let their children read Harry Potter books and tries to get them banned in schools. To that parent, he or she made this choice to protect their child from reading or learning about witchcraft and wizards. Some parents might not think about the message books send to their readers whichRead MoreCensorship Is Ficial Examination And Suppression Of Certain Books2335 Words  | 10 Pagesbooks that some deem to be unacceptable. (Censorship in Young Adult Literature - Video.)Some popular banned boo ks are The Harry Potter Series by J.K. Rowling, Twilight by Stephenie Meyer, The Hunger Games Trilogy by Suzanne Collins, and The Catcher in The Rye by J.D. Salinger. All of these books are very iconic; some were made into into billion dollar movie franchises. The Harry Potter franchise even has its own theme park in Orlando, Florida at Universal Studios. The Twilight Saga has a convention everyRead MorePeer Pressure2910 Words  | 12 Pageslisted below may be good idea generators. †¢ Which came first? 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In 1996, Time Warner acquired Turner Broadcasting Systems, expanding its cableRead MoreThe Evolution Of The Current Celebrity System Through Parasocial Interaction3246 Words  | 13 PagesParasocial interaction must first be considered in terms of its range on an international scale (Schmid Klimnt, 2011). Such interaction does not affect only fans within the United States. A comparative analysis of parasocial relationships with Harry Potter with readers from Germany and Mexico was conducted. The two main research questions were whether there was difference in characteristics of fans from the two cultures, and whether the differences factored into the par asocial relationships createdRead MoreEssay on HRM 587 Final Exam2689 Words  | 11 Pagesearly 40s and are not going to be happy about it. The question: This term, we studied organizational development theory versus the more systematic nStep method of conducting a change process. What would be the pros/cons of using OD theory for this change project? What would be the pros/cons of using nStep? Which nStep would you recommend for this if you use one? Of the two methods (nStep or OD), which would you recommend we use for this particular change program? Why? (Points : 35) 5. (TCOs C,D)Read More School Uniforms Essay2067 Words  | 9 Pageswhy those were my understandings of the uniform they have to use. Also they have more time to catch the school transportation because they do not have to pick the cloth they are going to wear to school. Other schools make them dress like the harry potter movie which will help a lot on discipline and student comprehension. This will also help students equalize with all the other kids around them. 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If you are having trouble thinking of a topic, try looking through these sites: Pro/Con: http://www.procon.org/ Balanced Politics: http://www.balancedpolitics.org/ 2. This speech should be 6-8 minutes in length. You will deliver the speech extemporaneously, to a gathered audience. You should plan to use either 3x 5 or 4x 6Read MoreAmerican Popular Culture and Its Impact in a Globalized World8501 Words  | 35 Pagestwo concepts of Americanization and globalization, but one must nonetheless clearly keep the two apart. Americanization [Â…] means cultural transfer [Â…]. Along with art and entertainment, it embraces politics and economy as well as social codes of con-duct. One thing fairly stands out: cultural transfer is unidirectional Ââ€" it flows from the USA to western Europe, and indeed elsewhere around the globe (Doering-Manteuffel 1999, online). Impulses originating in the U.S. are taken up by another country
Challenges of People with Spina Bifida and Spinal Cord Injuries
Question: Discuss about theChallenges of People with Spina Bifida and Spinal Cord Injuries. Answer: Introduction People with disability (PWD) face challenges as far as the job market and economy is concerned. Currently, they have a very limited prospects of getting employed compared to other people who are non-disabled (Derose, 2014). Most organizations employ disabled people just to satisfy the part of the law that requires them to do so due to the fear of being branded negatively. This study will help to highlight the challenges that people who suffer from spina bifida and brain or spinal cord injury face in the job market. Spina bifida is a permanent birth defect where the spinal cord juts out of the spine. It is a type of the neural tube defect in which a part of the neural tube does not develop fully hence leading to complications in the spinal cord as well as the spinal bones that are also known as the vertebrae. Spina bifida exposes the spinal cord and other nerves hence making them vulnerable to adverse damages and other possible infections. These infections are the main reason for medical problems that are associated with individuals that suffer this defect (FoN, 2017). There are several types of spina bifida that comprise of myelomeningocele, meningocele, and spina bifida occulta (CareersPortal, 2017). Myelomeningocele is where the infants spinal cord remains open although along the back vertebrae. The opening allows the spinal cord and its surrounding protective membrane to protrude and forms a sac on the infants back. Myelomeningocele is the most severe type of spina bifida. Meningocele is a type of spina bifida where the protective membrane of the spinal cord pushes out through the spine. The spinal cord develops normally hence a surgery can be used to eliminate the protruding membranes without affecting the nerves. Finally, spina bifida occulta is one of the most common and minor types compare to the above. It is where one or more vertebrae of the baby do not develop properly leaving a very small gap in the spine. This type of birth defect does not cause any problems hence most people may not even realize that they have it (CareersPortal, 2017) . Injuries to the central nervous system normally lead to brain injuries or injuries on the spinal cord. People who suffer from a traumatic brain injury can also sustain spinal cord injuries. In the United States, about 12,000 spinal cord injuries are reported each year (Burns OConnell, 2013). These injuries are categorized into four types namely; incomplete tetraplegia, complete tetraplegia, incomplete paraplegia and complete paraplegia. People with tetraplegia are considered to have suffered injuries to one of the existing eight cervical spinal cord segments. Those with paraplegia have wounds or injuries in the lumbar, sacral or thoracic regions of their spinal cord (Stone, 2015). Spinal cord injuries are as a result of a sudden traumatic blow on the spine that causes a fracture, dislocation, crushing or compression of one or more vertebrae on the back. It can also be caused by a wound that penetrates into the spinal cord. Other complications that cause spinal cord injury include swelling, inflammation, bleeding and fluid accumulation around the spinal cord (Burns et al, 2013). Findings People with spina bifida face a lot of challenges and limitations in their workplace. However, since each individual finds the urge to fend for themselves and their families, these individuals ought to be encouraged to follow their vision and dreams to become who they aspire to be. The best job duties for people who suffer from this birth defect include clerical positions, administrative office assistants, secretaries, and receptionists. These duties do not demand a lot of movements and an individual can execute his or her duties at the comfort of their seats (Best, 2012). According to Dufton (2017), people with spina bifida tend to forget easily compared to non-disabled individuals. This problem often contributes to poor performance in their fields hence leading to stress and even can contribute to job quitting. Fortunately, this problem can be easily avoided by the affected individuals since they can note down their instructions so as to work on them in a certain specific order. Employers can also assist these individuals by giving them instructions on a written format so as limit the instances of forgetfulness (Dufton, 2017). Additionally, people who have these defects often look down upon themselves due to adverse mistakes they make in their workplace. These mistakes may be as a result of fatigue, stress or any other mobility limitation (NHS, 2017). If this stress is unchecked, the affected individual may end up losing interest in their duty due to demoralization. To avoid this, employers should give some lighter duties to the disabled individuals as well as giving room for a certain free time specifically meant for rest. Moreover, allowing the people with disability time to visit a counselor once or twice a month helps to build their self-esteem hence giving them the ability to forgive themselves when they make mistakes instead of beating up their inner beings. Most people with spina bifida have mobility challenges on their lower limbs. Since the brain uses nerves that run through the spinal cord to control body muscles, any harm of these nerves causes major problems as far as muscle movements are concerned (WHO, 2013). Due to a defect in their spinal cord, individuals with spina bifida find it hard to move their legs or other parts of their abdomen. Therefore, they live with a certain degree of paralysis that demand ankle supports to enable them to move around. This can be achieved b use of crutches or wheelchairs in case of severe paralysis (CDC, 2017). At the workplace, people with spina bifida ought to be free space for movement and their workstations should be near to a washroom. This will help to minimize the time used for movements. Additionally, their work desks should be modified to conform to their wheelchairs since most them find it straining to use other desks and chairs similar to people without a disability. Organizations and employers also must restructure and rearrange the offices meant for people with spina bifida so as to address some of the mobility challenges that the face. For instance, people with this physical disability may not be able to stretch to pick equipment from higher shelves. Therefore, the shelves should be lowered and arranged in a manner that is easier for these people to pick items at ease. Designing shelves in a cylindrical manner that is adjacent to the desk is highly recommended since reaching items will be just as a result of torching their wheelchairs around instead of moving (SBH, 2017). People who suffer from spinal cord injury face almost similar challenges with those who suffer from spina bifida. Most people with spinal cord injury face a lot of psychological challenges in relation to their return to work after rehabilitation. Their major concerns range from being able to retain their job with the pressure that comes from it to be able to sustain themselves financially. These sorts of aspirations, existing needs and anxieties plunge these individuals to severe stress due to uncertainties. Most of them may be forced to change their social lifestyle at their workplace since they can socialize and have fun with other workmates as before (Noe, Bjerrum Angel, 2014). Moreover, most of the people who suffer from spinal cord injuries take time to accept that the cannot do things that they used to do before. Therefore, readjusting to their way life is a challenge (TBI, 2016). To address this socialization and low self-esteem problem, employers and organizations should seek consultancy and counseling services to enable their employee to cope with their duties easily. People with this disability ought to be taught how to perform their duties as far as they could irrespective of their disability. Additionally, they should be involved in the process of rearranging their workplace to improve their adaptability since the may be forced to stick to the use of wheelchairs due to the injury (Noe et al, 2014). Discussions of Solutions For many reasons, relationships and socialization with friends, colleagues and other people may be affected be affected by physical impairments and cognitive disabilities. People with spina bifida and spinal cord injuries depend on a mobility assistive technology like wheelchairs or crutches. This, therefore, restricts these disabled individuals from accessing other places due to restricted mobility compares to people without a disability. These challenges are directly linked to poor social integration that people with a disability suffer from (Chan Dicianno, 2012). There are other communication disorders that are as a result of low intelligence quotient (IQ), slow learning and ineffective brain executive function and memory. They affect how an individual communicates when articulating their conversation as well as the contents of their phrases. Therefore, these communication disorders mainly seen in people with spina bifida can lead to peer rejection hence risking psychological and social adjustment (Lee, 2017). With this in mind, it is evident that social integration is reduced in people with spina bifida and those who suffer from spinal cord injuries as compared their able-bodied bodied colleagues. To address this challenge, employers ought to identify the job duties that do not demand man interactions. This will help protect the disabled individuals from discouragements that can lower their self-esteem (Chan Dicianno, 2012). Additionally, these individuals may be encouraged and also provided with an immersive technology that offers virtual socialization opportunities that are targeted at improving the quality of life of people and improve social integration of disabled people. The use of text and voice chatting programs will allow the users to interact with their peers in real time. This will help to eliminate certain delays and pauses in the speeches of people with spina bifida. Main barriers of employment in people with spinal cord injuries are more of environmental rather than biomedical, demographic or psychological. In their report, WHO (2013) ranks inaccessibility to workplace and discrimination as the most negative factors that people with spinal cord injuries face (Chan et al, 2012). They point out that these people have a functioning inability to execute their duties due to lack of endurance or lack of stamina. Therefore, the best way to address this is to modify the place of work to enable them to perform their preferred job successfully (WHO, 2013). Moreover, people with disability are normally prevented from working due to their inability to access effective transportation to and from work. This problem is experienced worldwide especially in the rural areas (OMahony, 2017). Recommendations An improvement of the health sector response is a prerequisite as far as the livelihood of people with spina bifida and those with spinal cord injuries are concerned. The health sector should be equipped in a manner that it will be able to strengthen prevention and early responses to spina bifida and spinal cord injuries respectively. They should also be able to provide effective rehabilitation services so as to improve the livelihood of the disabled in their workplace and homes. Assistive technology should also be made available in time and also be redesigned to help the patients execute their duties easier. Additionally, people with spina bifida and spinal cord injuries should be empowered so that they can take responsibility for their own health. This will help a great deal in enabling them to be independent. By doing this, their self-esteem will be improved dramatically hence improving their socialization. Finally, organizations and employers must give these people flexible working hours that will enable them to relax if need be. Social protection schemes also must be made available to these individuals especially on their economic status and their return to work formula. Conclusion In conclusion, incidences of traumatic spinal cord injuries and cases spina bifida in newborns should be reduced at all costs. However, this aspiration and need may not be effective as thought, therefore, the effects of these disabilities should be addressed professionally so as not to impact negatively on the lives of these individuals. Improved health care services, socialization management, rehabilitation and protection against discrimination will help steer the disabled individuals to achieve whatever they aspire. Accessible environments, care, and other supportive services should be provided to these individuals with the aim of minimizing disruptions in their way of life. Governments also should join hands with other stakeholders to guarantee social inclusion and good health to the disabled. References Best, A. (2012). Individuals with Spina Bifida Need Adequate Home Care Support. Retrieved October 6, 2017, from https://besthomecaremn.com/blog/adolescent-home-care/individuals-with-spina-bifida-need-adequate-home-care-support. Burns, A. S. OConnell, C. (2013). The challenge of spinal cord injury care in the developing world. The Journal of Spinal Cord Medicine, 35. Retrieved October 6, 2017, from https://dx.doi.org/10.1179/2045772311Y.0000000043. CareersPortal. (2017). Spina Bifida Hydrocephalus. Retrieved October 6, 2017, from https://careersportal.ie/disability/az.php?CAO_Courses__%3Ca_href=ed_sub_cat_id=92parent=20. Center for Decease Control and Prevention (CDC). (2017). Living With Spina Bifida: Young Adults. CDC. Retrieved October 6, 2017, from https://www.cdc.gov/ncbddd/spinabifida/adult.html. Chan, W. M. Dicianno, B. E (2012). Virtual Socialization in Adults With Spina Bifida. American Academy of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 3, 219-223. Retrieved October 6, 2017, from DOI: 10.1016/j.pmrj.2010.12.002. Derose, R. (2014). People with disabilities still find job market a challenge. The Hill. Retrieved October 6, 2017, from https://thehill.com/blogs/congress-blog/labor/212986-people-with-disabilities-still-find-job-market-a-challenge. Dufton, M. (2017). Challenges in the Workplace. Retrieved October 6, 2017, from https://www.sbhao.on.ca/stories/personal-stories/challenges-workplace-mary-dufton. Focus on Disability (FoN). (2017). Spina Bifida - A Guide. Retrieved October 6, 2017, from https://www.focusondisability.org.uk/spina-bifida-information.html. Lee, D. (2017). Tight job market is good for felons, people with disabilities and others who are hard to employ. But can it last? Los Angeles Times. Retrieved October 6, 2017, from https://www.latimes.com/business/la-fi-hardcore-jobless-20170626-story.html. 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Transporation and Disturibution Management
Question: Discuss how you will implement these initiatives and what changes in the organization may be required to overcome any dissention or resistance that is likely to be met. Answer: Introduction The rapid increase in technological advancements has provided the business sector with huge advancements that has led to numerous growths in revenue and management. Various technological advancements in the 21st century has mostly influenced and boosted the business sector. One of the most intriguing advancements has been noticed in the logistics sector providing effectiveness in the transportation and distribution management (Advanced transportation management systems and transportation system management, 2007). Logistics sector has been the most influential and has become the need of the hour with the fast paced competitive market scenario. About the Company Tesco PLC is a British multinational basic need and general stock retailer headquartered in Welwyn Garden City, Hertfordshire, England, United Kingdom. It is the third biggest retailer on the planet measured by profits and second-biggest retailer on the planet measured by incomes. It has stores in 12 nations crosswise over Asia and Europe and is the staple business sector pioneer in the UK (where it has a piece of the overall industry of around 28.4%), Ireland, Hungary, Malaysia, and Thailand(Leahy, 2012). Tesco was established in 1919 by Jack Cohen as a gathering of business sector stalls. The Tesco name initially showed up in 1924, after Cohen acquired a shipment of tea from T. E. Stockwell and consolidated those initials with the initial two letters of his surname, and the primary Tesco store opened in 1931 in Burnt Oak, Barnet. His business extended quickly, and by 1939 he had more than 100 Tesco stores the nation over. Initially a UK basic supply retailer, Tesco has enhanced top ographically since the mid 1990s and into ranges, for example, the retailing of books, garments, gadgets, furniture, toys, petrol and programming; money related administrations; telecoms and web administrations. The 1990s saw Tesco reposition itself; it moved from being a down-business sector high-volume minimal effort retailer, to one which claims crosswise over numerous social gatherings, by offering items going from its "Tesco Value" things (dispatched 1993) to its "Tesco Finest" reach. This widening of its allure was effective, and saw the chain develop from 500 stores in the mid-1990s to 2,500 stores fifteen years after the fact. Tesco is recorded on the London Stock Exchange and is a constituent of the FTSE 100 Index. It had a business sector capitalization of around 18.1 billion starting 22 April 2015, the 28th-biggest of any organization with an essential posting on the London Stock Exchange(LLC, 2010). Incoterms selection consideration These generic set of internationally set standards are considered to be a measure to save the traders time, cost and is further considered to be invaluable and indispensable when it comes to International trade practices. There are number of incoterms such as, FCA, DDU, CFR, CPT Etc... Depending upon these trade terms, which the parties to trade agree upon, the parties, can become less worried in regards for the insurance, freight and other costs in the future of their trade agreement(Zhao, 2014). Each of the Incoterms have a previously stipulated set of rules and regulations, which further affect the mode of transportation the company will be using, and the capability of the transportation being used for the trade purpose ("Distribution in inner cities", 2007). At present the set of Incoterms being used by the company is governed by the Incoterms 2010 which include; Rules for all modes of transport Free Carrier (FCA) Ex Works (EXW) Carriage and insurance paid to (CIP) Carriage paid to (CPT) Delivered at terminal (DAT) Delivered at Place (DAP) Delivered duty paid (DDP)(Gopalia, 2016) Rules for inland waterway and sea transport Cost and freight (CFR) Free Alongside Ship (FAS) Cost, Insurance and freight (CIF) Free on board (FOB) Now, here are a few Intercoms which are considered to be the best possible set of rules and regulations set for the buyer and the seller respectively: Best Incoterms for buyers FOB: Free on board incoterms is available for waterway or sea transport only. The origin point is the FOB point. Here, the buyer is in control of the freight and seller is liable to make the delivery to the origin port (Flood, Callson, Jablonski, Flood, 2014). DDU: Delivery duty paid is available with all modes of transportation. Here the seller has to deliver the goods to the buyers place and is liable for any sort of damages. The custom clearance is carried out by the buyer (Christopher, M., 2005). Best incoterms for sellers CFR: cost and freight is available for ocean transportation only. Here the delivery point has to be a sea port however, the seller is liable until the freight reaches the port and from here the seller cannot be held for any sort of damages and losses. FCA: Free carrier is available for all sorts of transportation modes. The origin might be the premises of the seller or the terminal of the carrier (Grant, 2008). The loading charges are sent to the buyer in this case. Furthermore, the buyer is in control of the freight routing. Carrier selection criteria Selecting the carrier for the transportation of goods is a tedious task. It is the responsibility of the logistics department to make certain that the carrier chosen for the transportation, be it via land, air or water is efficient enough to make the delivery in due time, keep the goods safe from damage and is cost effective(Scott, 2011). In order to make proper selection of the goods this section has been segregated into two parts: Transportation goals and needs. Transportation planning. Transportation goals and needs Before the goods are transported to their destination special care must be taken and requires a reliable transportation carrier which would be able to move the goods safely, quickly and with minimum risk of damage and thefts (Kassabian, 2013). This essentially depends on: Capacity of the carrier: the carriers capacity should be top notch concern as; the condition of the goods would greatly depend on it. If the carrier is bigger then there would remain extra space, which would in turn upset the way the goods were arranged at the origin point, resulting in them to tumble and get damaged. Similarly a smaller carrier might not be able to carry the entire quantity of goods. Cost incurred: the cost that would be incurred by employing a certain carrier is an important aspect ("Management information", 2013). This is as the cost should not exceed more than 30% of the total amount earned from the transaction. Efficient route planning: time is essence in logistics therefore, proper planning of the route must be chalked out and also it is required to ascertain that the carrier selected for the route is appropriate. For instance, if the delivery can be made earlier by means of using an air carrier mode, then using a land carrier would result in incurring extra cost, time and resource. Transportation planning Transportation planning is the activity in which the logistics management delves into the various ways the goods can be delivered to their destination without any hassles. This activity further relates to knowing the highway system, air/ sea/ inland water routes and also the traffic facilities. There are three aspects which determine an effective transport planning and they are: Efficiency: it essentially relates to the effective managing of the available resources. Depending upon the nature of the transportation required the management is required to make use of the existing alternatives at hand and ascertain that the goods are delivered efficiently, in good time and condition (Rushton, Croucher, Baker, 2010). Quality: the quality of the transportation service affects the condition of the goods being transported. Equity: to meet the demands of the clients properly and without any complaint in regards to transportation. Carrier relationship management Being a typical logistics company carrier relationship management is an essential aspect of the company. The company takes pride on being able to meet up with its clients from both ends overall business needs. The company fashions its services in a manner that they are able to come to a middle ground with their clients. As already mentioned being a logistics company the company credits its success to the efficient carrier relationship management strategies (Transportation management, 2010). This is achieved by carefully designed contract and tariff rules which enable them to help their carrier operators make the most out of each of their trips. This further enables the company to maintain a good relation with its carriers. An effective carrier relationship management depends upon two essential aspects: Identifying the Goals and needs. Outsourcing transportation services. Identifying the goals and needs It is the basic job of an employer to make certain that its valued employees are satisfied. A satisfied employee is capable of performing more for the employer when compared to a unsatisfied employee. Furthermore, the goals that an employer sets for the organization is explicitly carried out by the employees and the more efficient and loyal the employee is to the organization he or she is capable of performing better. This is the philosophy that drives this particular logistic brand (Kassabian, 2013). Here, the carrier relationship management team is responsible for seeing to the needs of the various operators and make sure that a middle ground is reached between them prior to their departure with goods. The carrier operators are paid depending upon the length of the route of the delivery. In addition, it is the responsibility of the carrier relationship management to make sure the goods are delivered to and from the carriers in the stipulated time. Outsourcing transportation services In situations when the companys carriers are all engaged it is the responsibility of the carrier relationship management team outsource the transportation services. This usually incurs extra costs than what the company incurs when using its own carriers but, in such situations it is required that the delivery be made by means of outsourcing the transportation services (Flood, Callson, Jablonski, Flood, 2014). The carrier relationship management team requires keeping in mind the following while engaging such services: The services should not cost more than 15% than what the company is paying to its own carriers. The carriers selected for the job are reliable or not. There should be a clear agreement in between the parties in regards to the liabilities. The carrier company should be well aware of the nature and reputation of the company and is capable of functioning accordingly. Conclusion The entire report prolifically highlights the transportation and distribution management focusing on the effectiveness of three major aspects of transportation management i.e. incoterms selection consideration, carrier selection criteria and carrier relationship management. Tesco being one of the most influential companies in the global market has taken these three aspects into consideration simultaneously (Cooley, 2016). The strategic initiatives are the key to success of Tesco providing a significant platform for relying on the core competencies which helps the company to move forward in the logistics sector with definitive operational and financial performance. The three aspects of transportation and distribution management significantly provide a detailed overview about how Tesco works and analyzes the market irrespective of the competition in the global market. References Advanced transportation management systems and transportation system management. (2007). 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