Monday, March 16, 2020

Jeb Stuart essays

Jeb Stuart essays Jeb Stuart was a combination leadership general in the mid-nineteenth century. He was a great leader as well as a good follower. In the following paragraphs I intend to tell about his life before the army and his life during his service, explain why he was such a great leader, and discuss the roles he played in the battles he fought. Every great story has a beginning. This one is no exception. James Ewell Brown Stuart was born on February sixth, eighteen thirty-three. He was the seventh of twelve children and the youngest son. Stuart attended Emory and Henry College before being appointed to the United States Military Academy. He graduated thirteenth out of forty-six in his class and was appointed cavalry sergeant, which was the highest rank attainable for these cadets. After graduation Stuart of course entered the U.S. army and because of his participation in the military academy was given the rank of second lieutenant, and was assigned to the regiment of the Mounted Texas Riflemen. He excelled in leading the regiment, and was promoted and transferred to the newly formed first Regiment, U.S. Cavalry. On January fifteenth, eighteen sixty-one Jeb sent a letter to Jefferson Davis asking him for a position in the confederate army. On May third of the same year he sent his letter of resignation to the U.S . army, and three weeks later was given the rank of captain of the southern cavalry. This didn't last too long due to Stuart's superb skills. At the end of it all he was promoted to major general of the entire confederate cavalry division. Stuart was in many battles in the Civil War, some he played a vital role in, others not. His first service was in the Shenandoah Valley, but he was at First Manassas where he nipped at the Union right flank, and then tried to organize a pursuit. After that he had an unusual role. Nobody had foreseen entire brigades of cavalry, so Stuart kept command ...

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