Saturday, October 26, 2019

The Citizens Clean Elections Act :: Politics Political Campaigns Essays

The Citizens Clean Elections Act Clean Elections Act is a proposition that gives everyday people like you and I a chance to give something back to our community without having to spend millions of dollars to campaign with but instead the money comes from donations on your W2 form and also taxpayers. Arizonans have agreed that it is just a better way to have elections among the rich companies and candidates. The current proposition has influenced a higher voter turn out along with more candidate competition. Though, this proposition is still currently active the large firms have taken it to the Federal courts seven times desperately trying to get the proposition overturned by saying it is unconstitutional. With the help of voters supporting this proposition we can keep the clean elections act in Arizona. As the wealthy politicians get more tax cuts the average everyday American running for office stands no chance in beating his competitor without having money to back him. In Arizona and three other states we have a different aspect that has changed elections since 1998 it is a clean act on campaigning, it helps the average man or woman to run for any office. The act protects average Americans who do not have millions of dollars to campaign with. The act makes a fair election process because whose to say that all rich people are the best candidates for the job why not an average American such as a teacher or a police officer to take on the task as a Senator or Governor for any state. Many Americans do not run for these positions because money has a huge impact on the way elections unfold in the United States. If you do not have campaigning money how can you get your name out there for anyone to see? So, in theory if you have no money you have no candidate. In 1998 when Arizonans passed the â€Å"Citizens Clean Elections Act† by a mere 51% they were the fourth state to have passed the act. The act is for candidates who need public funds for their own campaigning. In other states the public funding came from traffic tickets and surcharges making the Clean Elections Act not able to pass because that money was needed at other areas in the government. The court system deemed it unconstitutional to use traffic tickets for public campaigning since it was an optional funding for candidates.

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