Wednesday, October 30, 2019

The process of assessing of need and risk in a given case Essay

The process of assessing of need and risk in a given case - Essay Example Secondly, social workers must, with every chance they get, to teach society about the rights of diverse individuals to all members of the society, thus preventing or decreasing the chances of discrimination or oppression. Finally, social workers should address chances of unfair treatment being received by diverse individuals. The application of social work is a case-to-case basis, no plan of action can be applied to two different scenarios. Thus, to determine the plan of action in a specific case, the assessment of needs and risks should be done for every individual or institution in question. In this paper, I will discuss the case of a British geriatric couple, Jo and Vivian, who are anxious about the possibility of being sent to a nursing home because of their medical condition. Before visiting the couple, I will enumerate the needs and risks this couple has, and with this, I will give a list of pre-interview list of means to address the issues of Jo and Vivian.. NEEDS AND RISKS In this part of the report, the needs and risks of Jo and Vivian are discussed. ... In the case of Jo and Vivian, such difficulty initially started when Vivian had to resign to take care of Jo, who, in that time, was starting to feel the debilitating effects of arthritis. Making things worse, Vivian suffers from depression, and needs to undergo medication also. Without someone else to pay for their basic and additional needs, the lack of resources to pay for their special health care makes them susceptible to other risks, such as injury and complications Further health issues. Even without illnesses, geriatric individuals such as Jo, age 87, and Vivian, age 63, undergo physical changes that impair their ability to perform day-to-day activities, as many and as often as they could back in their younger days. As a person ages, he/she develops poor eyesight, hearing loss, weak balance, and painful walking. The risk of injuries resulting from these age-dependent physical limitations must be addressed accordingly. To address these health issues, they need someone to look after them on a regular basis, providing them their food, helping them take a bath and change clothes, giving them the right amount of medicines on the time it is needed, and ensuring the injury-free environment at home.. Unfortunately, Sam, the district nurse, and Chris, the good friend, are not enough to help the couple in their regular activities such as eating and taking a bath, simply because they are not with Jo and Vivian most of the time. Usually, a member of their nuclear family takes the responsibility of taking care of their elders, either by sending them in nursing homes or taking care of them in the comforts of their own home. But in this case, Jo and Vivian do not have

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