Friday, November 1, 2019

Human Resource Problems in Roanoke Branch Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Human Resource Problems in Roanoke Branch - Essay Example In order to fully determine the human resource problems in the Roanoke Branch, I have spent two weeks with the company’s employees. Since the branch is relatively small, I have administered a conference with them in order to hear their complaints and grievances. During this forum, all of them participated in clarifying the issues that they are facing. I have also conducted a survey in order to gain their consensus on issues of compensation, reward, workload, and their interrelationship with other colleagues and superiors. In summary, the Roanoke branch of Phoenix Advertising is challenged with low employee morale. The branch employees are not sufficient in order to accomplish the heavy workload. The mounting customer demand requires overtime which are unpaid. Aside from these, the Roanoke branch is paying relatively low compensation compared to the industry rates. Artists also feel rejected and almost everyone is not motivated to excel in their positions. All these result to o perational inefficiencies and substandard output. There is also a threat from workers that they might resort to other business organizations which can better give them the better benefits and working condition. Recommendations 1. Employee empowerment can boost employee morale. This can be done by including artists in decision making. Before starting a project, the company's account supervisor should closely coordinate with the artists in order for them to know the customer's requirement. With this, artists will not feel that their creative efforts are rejected. This also helps in eliminating reworks. 2. A new compensation package should be designed. The Roanoke Branch should see to it that it is pays employees for their overtime and holiday works. It is recommended that the branch based its compensation package on industry rates. 3. The branch should hire two more artists in order to efficiently allocate the workload. 4. Evaluation of employee performance should be conducted on a quarterly basis. 5. The new compensation package should also include non-monetary rewards. This includes recognition for the jobs well done in the form of spa and leisure packages for exceptional employee performance. 6. The Roanoke branch must establish a program where employees can air their complaints and grievances. This will enable the branch to improve its dealings with employees.

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